Information security officers

The Information Security Officer performs tasks related to: monitors compliance with the requirements of the Classified Information Protection Act and international treaties in relation to the protection of classified information; applies the rules on the types of protection of classified information; develops a plan for protection of the Agency through physical and technical means and monitors its implementation; administers the procedure for ordinary background investigation under Article 47 and maintains a register of persons so investigated; monitors the appropriate determination of the classification level of the information; maintains a record of the cases of unauthorised access to classified information and of actions taken, and advise the State Information Security Commission (SISC)  immediately of each such case and action; s/he is responsible for security zones, security and access regime, outside visitors and motor vehicles; organizes and is responsible for planning, organizing and conducting the activities for management of the defense-mobilization training in the Agency; develops and maintains the plan for bringing the Agency ready for work in wartime, the plan for dispersal and evacuation and the plan of the Agency for action in military crisis; organizes the announcement when setting the country from peace to a state of war or any other state of emergency; organizes and administers the training of the employees in the Agency for protection of the classified information and for action in crises situations of military and non-military nature; liaises and interacts with national services teams with regard to mobilization activities and in crises; provides assistance and support to activities in crises, emergencies and temporary protection, etc.